
Reflections of the ministers and senior staff.


Reflections of the ministers and senior staff.
1 minute reading time (123 words)

Green Sanctuary


Through the fall and early winter ERUUFians took the initial steps toward Green Sanctuary accreditation. Green Sanctuary is a program offered by the UUA to give congregations a pathway of study, reflection, and action in response to environmental challenges, most notably climate change. It provides a structure for congregations to examine their current environmental impacts and move toward more sustainable, just, and equitable practices grounded in Unitarian Universalism. Attaining Green Sanctuary accreditation is a strategic action in ERUUF's current Strategic Plan: Initial efforts to move this multi-year effort forward are being led by members of the Earth Justice Action Group that form the Green Sanctuary (GS) Accreditation Team (GSAT). Links: Article about ERUUF's progress, and more info about the UUA Green Sanctuary process.

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Gospel Workshop
Seeking Balance