Board of Trustees (BoT) Report to ERUUF–May 2017

Submitted by Barbara Sheline, Trustee

Pulse Survey
The board reviewed the results of the Pulse survey. The Pulse is done yearly by the BoT, asking congregants to reflect on what goes on at ERUUF. The Pulse survey results help the minister team and the BoT keep in touch with the congregation and inform planning. The results of the Pulse survey will be summarized at the annual meeting. The graphs of the data and comments will be available on the ERUUF website.

Draft Strategic Plan (SP)
We are called for by Policy Governance to have a long-term Strategic Plan (2-3 year). The current Strategic Plan draft consists of long-term goal setting by the board and implementation planning by the Coordinating Committee. It arose from the following sources:

  • ERUUF Ends statements
  • Small group conversations during the 50th anniversary year. Who are we? Whose are we? Who are our neighbors? What is our purpose?
  • Discussion with Multicultural Team
  • Discussion with Earth Justice Team
  • BOT Strategic Planning Retreat Feb 2017

The SP is a living document which is monitored annually by the BoT and revisited to keep it relevant over time. The current draft SP will be compared to the results of the Pulse to look for gaps. It will be compared to the budget to look for gaps. A brief overview will be shared at the annual meeting and the full draft available on the website.

Capital Needs Assessment
A capital needs assessment was completed by a small administration and lay team. Significant needs were identified. The Board’s Finance Advisory Committee is considering different options for funding capital improvements.

Budget 2017-18
The board reviewed the budget for 2017-18 which will be presented to the congregation at the annual meeting June 4. The good news is that the total income is projected at $935,100. After many years of the stewardship campaign wanting to give raises to staff and ministers we are finally able to do so. This is one way to show our appreciation for the amazing work of our ministers and staff. We are profoundly grateful to them.

360 Degree Evaluation of the Lead Minister
The Board’s Committee on Evaluation is tasked with evaluation of the Lead Minister and ministry at ERUUF every three years. The committee is comprised of 2 BoT members and 2 lay members. The Committee created the survey instrument. Feedback was obtained from the board, staff, and lay leaders. The BoT discussed and summarized the 360 degree evaluation of Rev. Deb Cayer. The Committee for the Evaluation of Ministry will meet with her to discuss the results.