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Summer 2022 Common Read Centering: Navigating Race, Authenticity, and Power in Ministry

Wed, Aug 3 2022 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Categories: Justice, Membership
Hits: 528

Book Cover: CenteringThe Ministry Transition Communications Team in collaboration with the Coordinating Team is inviting the ERUUF community to participate in a common read this summer. 

The purpose of this congregational read is to enable us to support Rev. Brett’s transition to leadership as we work together to make ERUUF a more broadly welcoming community.

Centering gathers reflections from ministers of color and provides insight on the unique challenges they face in congregational life. Meeting in small groups to deeply reflect on these issues is the special opportunity this congregational read will afford us.

There will be five small group sessions focusing on specific assigned chapters to be read over a period of ten weeks this summer (June-August).

Each group will be guided by an experienced facilitator. Each session will include prompts for reflection, time for uninterrupted sharing and deep listening, and discussion time for thoughts to put learnings into personal practice.

Zoom and In-person sessions will be offered.
Register with time/day preference below.

Questions: Contact Eric Hodges and Steve Hall: 

Please register by June 1 in order to ensure we have the necessary number of facilitators for all small groups.

Books can be ordered through the UUA store or via online booksellers.