ERUUF Christian Fellowship
Join us to discuss "Reading Revelation Again," the final chapter in "Reading the Bible Again for the First Time" by Marcus Borg. The author, a biblical historian, places the books of the Bible into historical context to get at who wrote them and the audience for whom they were originally written. Perhaps we'll be able to make some sense of this most puzzling book of the Bible? This should be a fruitful discussion even if you haven't read the book. As always, we will also have an informal service of readings and prayers.
Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. Currently, the 2nd Tuesday is in person in Room 3 of the CARE Bldg. at ERUUF, and the 4th Tuesday is virtual via Zoom.
Contact the Christian Fellowship for more information or to receive the Zoom link for our virtual meetings.
Connected Events
- ERUUF Christian Fellowship (Tue, Mar 11 7:00 pm)
- ERUUF Christian Fellowship (Tue, Apr 8 7:00 pm)
- ERUUF Christian Fellowship (Tue, May 13 7:00 pm)
- ERUUF Christian Fellowship (Tue, Jun 10 7:00 pm)