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Nontheist Group

Sun, Feb 9 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Categories: Faith/Focus Groups
Hits: 468

Can Religious Identification affect Health?

You may have heard that religious people are happier than secular folks or healthier than secular folks. This month we'll look at some of the research on religious/secular outlook and any effect our cosmological outlook might have on our mental and physical well-being.

Resources include: 'this video' of Ryan Cragun speaking at the 2024 Freedom From Religion Foundation's convention (teaser... you might recognize someone in the Q and A session at the end) and, 'the article preview' of 'Secularity, Religiosity, and Health' by Joseph O. Baker and associates. Questions? Email Nontheist Group or see us on the website

We are a community of non-theists within the Unitarian Universalist tradition. Together, we explore the human experience and support each other in personal growth and in working toward the greater good. 

For more information, please reach out to the Nontheist Group

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