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Terasa Cooley Workshop: Transforming Conflict

Sun, Feb 23 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Hits: 284

Transforming Conflict: The Blessings of Congregational Turmoil: Cooley  Unitarian Universalist As, Dr. Terasa G., Rendle senior vice president  Texas ...Our guest preacher on Sunday, February 23rd, UU minister Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley, will offer a two-hour workshop on developing skills for constructively dealing with conflict for all interested ERUUF members and friends. Rev. Cooley is the author of Transforming Conflict: The Blessings of Congregational Turmoil. She focuses on reframing conflict as healthy and something to learn from rather than avoid.

This workshop will help equip you with skills needed to approach conflict in productive ways. It will give you opportunities to look at your patterns of responding to conflict, ways to manage conflictual conversations, and some understanding of dynamics of congregational conflicts.

The Healthy Congregation Committee (HCC) and Theory of Change Committee (TOCC) are hosting this workshop, which is made possible by a grant from the Eno River Fellowship Foundation.

Register Here

Susan Green, HCC Chair
Lillie Searles, TOCC Member