World Café - ERUUF Planning
The Board invites the congregation to participate in strategic planning conversations for the future of ERUUF. This is a strategic planning process of the Board for the whole congregation - everyone is invited to participate.
This is the year for developing a new ERUUF Strategic Plan! As directed by the Board’s 2022-23 Annual Vision of Ministry, ERUUF will “Imagine and articulate a bold 2023-2026 strategic plan to advance ERUUF’s mission, vision and values.”
The kick-off for this process will be a week for Planning Our Future: January 18-25, 2023, during which there will be opportunities for members and friends of ERUUF to participate in a Planning Our Future World Cafe, an informal setting for participants to explore topics through small group discussions.
ERUUF will host five World Cafe sessions:
January 22, 12:30 - 2:00 pm (in-person, Fellowship Hall)