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Spiritual Odyssey

Sun, Aug 13 2023 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Hits: 956

Every summer a series of beloved ERUUFians present the story of their personal and/or spiritual quests. Early childhood memories, important forks in the road, significant events, and a few funny anecdotes - all impact personal journies through spirituality. Each week, a new speaker will detail present how their series of event lead to finding themselves at ERUUF. 


June 11: Simon Kaplan

June 18: Pam DiLavore

June 25: Lutricia Callair

July 2: No Spiritual Odyssey

July 9: Nan Walker

July 16: Dom Grimes-Medlin

July 23: Carol Ann Martin

July 30: Hillary Zielazinski

August 6: Shirley Mills

August 13: Gene Presson


For more information, visit the Spiritual Odyssey page on the website or email the team at