Check with your group leader or contact on the calendar listing to see if the group is meeting virtually.

Inquirers Series (Summer Schedule)

Sun, Jun 2 2024 11:15 am - 12:00 pm
Hits: 502

The Inquirers Series is offered each Sunday morning to welcome and inform visitors and friends about ERUUF. You will converse with ministers, staff, and lay leaders as you learn about ERUUF’s values, culture, and ministries, along with basics about Unitarian Universalism. Eight topics are covered, one per session, and then repeated throughout the year. Twice a year we have an all-class Saturday Retreat.

Existing members are also welcome! 

For a full Inquirers Series schedule for the year, please click this link

Questions? Contact  and be sure to check out ERUUF's weekly eNews for more information! 

Inquirers Classes are meeting both in-person (Commons Rm. of the CARE Building) and online (multiplatform/Zoom). Join online via the link below.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 982 6779 6407
Passcode: 591993