Congregational Listening Sessions: Our Financial and Strategic Future
Join the ERUUF Board of Trustees in two upcoming Congregational Listening Sessions: Our Financial and Strategic Future - Sunday, May 17, 1:00 pm and Monday, May 18, 7:00 pm via Zoom (link below)
It is an unprecedented time and the long-term impacts this pandemic will have on our congregation are unclear. As Reverend Cayer has mentioned over the past few weeks, ERUUF is not immune to the economic forces impacting the rest of the country and in response, the Board of Trustees is working hard to determine the best path forward for ERUUF financially and strategically.
As we carefully weigh all options and set our congregational priorities for the next year, we value your input and hope that you can join us for one of two congregational listening sessions being held on Sunday, May 17th at 1:00 pm and Monday, May 18th at 7:00 pm.
The Board of Trustees will be present to share what we know of our circumstances, answer questions, and engage with you around questions of values, priorities, and what our future holds. The feedback we receive will be used to inform our decision making as we build next year’s budget and determine near term congregational goals.