Visiting for the First Time?

Welcome fellow seeker! We're glad you've found us!

The Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship -- or ERUUF as we like to say -- is committed to the inclusion of every person. All are welcome here without regard to race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation or economic status.

Be sure and stop by a visitor table on Sunday morning when you arrive. There you will find an information packet and a nametag so our members can greet you. Fill out a Visitor Welcome Form. Sign up for our weekly e-newsletter which let's you know about upcoming events, and connects you with ERUUF groups of interest to you. Your visitor host is also happy to answer any questions you might have.

Contact Person: Michael Gilbert-Singletary
Role: Director of Membership Development

When is the Next Service?

Sunday, January 19, 2025: 9:00 am (in person only), 11:00 am (online and in person)

A War That Even Dr. King Would Approve Of
Worship Leader - Rev. Jacqueline Brett; Guest Speaker - Dr. Henry C. McKoy, Jr.
Music: Beloved Community Chorus (11:00 am), ERUUF House Band, Wendy Looker – Music Director

January 2025 Theme: Practice of Story


What are Sunday services like?

Each service begins with a welcome followed by sounding a temple bell and settling into quiet.

Next is a musical prelude, opening words, chalice lighting, and hymn.

We greet one another, hear a story for all ages, share joys and sorrows, and occasionally hear from a guest who might briefly speak about an important topic.

We have silent meditation and spoken prayers, and readings from sources as diverse as the world’s religions, modern poetry or the front page of the newspaper.

Often we hear reflections from our own members as well as a minister’s sermon.

Every week there’s a chance to affirm our commitment to our chosen faith and practice generosity through our giving as we pass the plate.

The service ends with singing and words for going forth.

What can children expect to experience on Sundays?

Children begin most Sunday mornings in the sanctuary with their family then leave for classes (for ages 3 and up) after a story for all ages. See Youth Page.

Nursery child care is available for babies and toddlers. You are also welcome to have your child(ren) remain with you.

The Chapel adjacent to the Sanctuary is available for families with children who may not be able to sit still and remain quiet during a service. You can see and hear the service from this location.

Accessibility/Hearing Assistance

Our sanctuary is equipped with hearing assistance devices. On Sunday if you would like a hearing assistance device or a large print order of service, ask a Greeter. Also, our campus is universally accessible.

Coffee Hour

After the service, we invite you to the Fellowship Hall right across the breezeway for coffee, tea and conversation. Different groups in the Fellowship will have information tables about upcoming programs and projects. Or if you would like to find out more about ERUUF, join the Inquirers Series class in the Commons Room (coffee available here too!).

Can I get a copy of the sermon?

Recordings of sermons are available via online channels.

View Past Services and Recordings