Step 1. Pledge
Your pledge is a good intent to give a certain amount of money to ERUUF over the next year. We build our annual budget based on pledges, so your support is vital to our fiscal health.Through your giving, you join with others to grow our community, enabling our mission of care and transformation. We encourage 100% participation no matter the size of the pledge. Thank you for your generosity! To make a pledge:
Step 2. Give
Giving at ERUUF is easy and secure. We offer several ways to give contributions for your pledge including: online, text, auto-draft, check, cash, and stock. Many people choose to become a sustainer, paying their pledge through automatic drafts on a regular basis--a revenue stream that is a big help to ERUUF. Drafts can come from checking accounts, debit or credit cards. Becoming a sustainer at ERUUF is easy! Click the "Become a Sustainer" button below to visit our giving page, where you can set up your recurring gift.
Are you already a Sustainer?
We encourage you to increase your pledge this year by:
- Clicking on "Give Now" to change your auto draft; or
- Emailing with any changes to your auto-draft;or
- Calling the ERUUF Office at 919.489.2575 for help in changing your auto-draft
How Much Should I Pledge?
Your pledge amount is entirely up to you. We encourage a pledge that makes you feel good to be doing your part in this beloved community. Need help calculating your annual pledge amount? See the Suggested Fair Share Contribution Guide.
As ERUUF grows, expanding our mission of care and transformation, our financial needs grow. Learn more here.
If you have pledged before, please consider increasing your pledge this year.
We gratefully acknowledge the gifts of time and talent as well as all monetary contributions to ERUUF. We encourage 100% participation no matter the size of the pledge. Every Pledge Counts!