Faith/Focus Groups
Eno River CUUPS

Eno River CUUPS (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans) is for those interested in Nature-centered spiritual practices that celebrate and honor the seasons of our Mother Earth through ritual, music, movement, creative expression, and discussion. Meets on the 3rd Sunday of January for an annual community circle and on the eight Sundays nearest Earth-centered ritual days (Cross Quarters, Equinoxes, and Solstices). Check the Faith/Focus Group Events category of the ERUUF calendar for specific dates.
- Contact Person: Lila Rosa and Susan Baylies
- Role: Co-Coordinators
- Email:
- Staff Partner: Rev. Jacqueline Brett, Lead Minister
The Details
- Contact Person: Lila Rosa and Susan Baylies
- Role: Co-Coordinators
- Email:
- Staff Partner: Rev. Jacqueline Brett, Lead Minister