Caring for the Earth
Earth Justice
Vision: We envision a world that is healed and transformed: where respect for the interdependent web of all existence enables people from all walks of life to live without fear of human-caused environmental destruction and in harmony with each other and the rest of creation.
Mission: The mission of the Earth Justice Action Group is to transform the ERUUF community to fully engage in addressing the climate crisis as a moral issue that is inextricably linked to our commitment to work for justice, equity, inclusion. We seek to build awareness and knowledge of our material and spiritual interconnectedness, to initiate sound practices that benefit nature through projects and activities, and to direct congregants to efforts local-to-global that create a just, resilient, and sustainable world.
Earth Justice meetings are scheduled the second Sunday of the month, 1-2:30 pm via Zoom. To receive the Zoom link, please contact Betsy Bickel.
- Contact Person: Betsy Bickel
- Role: chair
- Email:
- Staff Partner: Kaleb Graves, Justice Coordinator
April 2023: Earth & Climate Justice Month: Living our UU Principles for Mother Earth & our Children
“Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.” ― Howard Zinn
It may be hard to believe but April is right around the calendar corner and that means Earth and Climate Justice Month at ERUUF with in person and virtual offerings. We invite all members and friends to join us in putting intention and attention on living our UU 7th Principle (ultimately all our Principles are related as we cannot have justice or peace without clean air and water, fertile soil, and stable climate) at higher levels of expression in practical ways, right here and right now!
Community Edible Landscape Program
As you drive to the back parking lot at ERUUF, you may notice two, wood-framed, raised beds, next to the one already there. As a site for growing annual vegetables, these beds are the first stage of the Community Edible Landscape Program (CELP).
However, this is about much more than simply growing some veggies. By using food as the impetus, the Earth Justice Committee hopes to provide educational, social, spiritual, and community-building opportunities for the congregation. Thanks to a grant from the ERUUF Foundation, Earth Justice is building the infrastructure to make the food-faith connection.
Adult Programming - How to Save the World and Yourself in 3 Easy Steps
Sundays, April 14 and 21
10:00 am-10:50 am
Room 4/5 CARE Building
Led by Betsy Bickel
Join us in connection, conversation, and journaling as we discover a path forward together through challenging times.
Averting planetary disaster is up to the people alive right now....Recognizing you are part of a timeless tug of war for social justice electrifies the present moment in a way that brings meaning and purpose to our lives...."we need a whole new world, and we all, every single one of us, has a powerful role to play as a midwife in this rebirth." From Not Too Late - Changing the Climate Story from Despair to Possibility.
Songs of the Earth Concert
Saturday, April 20
7:00 pm
Fellowship Hall
FREE and open to all.
Donations to the Environmental Voters Project accepted.
Musicians include - Jewelsong, Stellaria, RiverFolk, Chris Macon, the CharMel Trio (Kristi and Andren Chilton, Pam DiLavore)
Earth Day 2024
Saturday, April 20
ERUUFians are encouraged to find a local area action to show your love for Mother Earth today! If you are unable to find one, grab a few neighbors and invite them to join you for a neighborhood litter clean up!
Earth Day Worship Service and Celebration
Sunday, April 21
Fellowship Hall
After 2nd service fellowship hour.
Celebrate Earth Day and the conclusion of Earth & Climate Justice Month ‘24 with fellowship, light plant-based fare, reflections, and a sacred circle dance!
Potluck and Film
Wednesday, April 24
6:00 pm Plant-Based Potluck Meal
Fellowship Hall
Please bring a vegan dish, but you are also welcome even if you are unable to bring food.
7:00 pm Film
Common Ground is a new film about how regenerating the world’s soils has the potential to rapidly stabilize Earth’s climate, restore lost ecosystems, and create abundant food supplies. This film explains why transitioning to regenerative agriculture could be key in rehabilitating the planet while simultaneously invigorating a new sense of hope and inspiration in viewers.
People are calling Common Ground “The Most Important Film You’ll Ever Watch” -- which is a really big claim. But it just may be true. View the trailer here.