The ERUUF library is a browsing and borrowing collection for members of the congregation. It is located Room 6, CARE Building and has an online catalogue.
ERUUF Library Online
The complete ERUUF Library collection is now searchable online! Wait, the ERUUF Library collection? Yes, ERUUF has a lending library for ERUUF members. It's in Room 6 of the Care Building. Check out the link to our online catalog, and tips on how to find resources that will enrich your unique spiritual journey.
The Online Catalog
The catalog is not yet complete but allows searching of the majority of the collection. It uses the social networking site known as Library Thing (LT). For starters, click here to see our online catalog:
This page is a tabular display of title, author, date and subject information. You can re-order the columns by clicking on a column heading. Use the search box at the upper right corner to enter something as simple as an author last name like Fulghum or a keyword such as prayer. At the top left corner, the "tags" tab will show you the range of subject headings we have used and how many items there are in each one. Click on one to see the list of titles in that category.
What will I find in the Library?
The collection is an eclectic mix of about 1,500 mostly donated books and some videos, tapes and CD's. (The late Joe Nerad was one of our major benefactors.) Subjects range from Unitarian Universalist history to science, philosophy, family issues, self-help, and Christianity. This is only the tip of the iceberg. There are individual sections for each of many world religions. Books on social justice topics from around the globe are a few shelves away from wedding planning guides and numerous works on prayer and meditation. There is something to interest and enrich the spiritual journey of almost everyone.
How do I find a title I'm interested in?
In the library, the category labels are shown on large bookends. The arrangement of the books within subject categories is deliberately informal; this is a browsing collection. However, there's an online tool to help you zero in on what you're looking for.
Library Check-out Process
To check out a book, please write your name and date on the card in the back of each book. Please put the card in the little card box on the shelf. When you return a book, put it in the return book bucket and it will get reshelved. Periodically, the box is checked and you will be contacted if you have had a book checked out for a long time.
When can I use the Library?
Anytime the CARE Building is open, except when the room is scheduled for a group meeting.