How do I update my profile?

Once you have logged in to myERUUF, select your name to go to your profile page.

Review all information at the top of the profile page - name, address, phone, email, family.
You can edit the sections titled Main, Contact or Family by clicking on each gray title bar. That will reveal a link to click for editing. Click on the link. All editable fields will be open for you to update or add information. Help us fill in your information:

  • Enter your birthdate
  • Enter additional emails if desired and choose which you prefer be used.
  • Enter your phone number(s) and choose which you prefer be used. The Show More Options link allows you to have your home phone listed for the entire family or make a phone number unlisted in the directory.
  • Add insurance information (note: this information is required if you have children registered in our RE program.)

Family. Members of the family can be similarly edited or updated by clicking on the family member name on your profile page. All the children in your family 17 or younger should be listed.

Other family members living in your household may also be added. Note: The Main information contains a place to enter special needs, dietary restrictions or allergies, which is especially useful for concerns about children registered in our RE program.

Under Contact information, you can choose to enter an emergency contact and/or information about your occupation, employer and education.

If there is other incorrect information that cannot be edited, eg. a new family member or a family member’s status as spouse, head of household or child, please fill out the Help Update my Information form on the myERUUF webpage.

Note: The database automatically selects who is the primary adult in the family based on such things as who was entered into the system first. There is no intentional social or political meaning to this selection as far as ERUUF is concerned. We are happy to designate any one phone number or email address as the preferred contact information for the family. Questions:

contact us for help

Be sure to Sign Out of MyERUUF when you are done to protect your personal and financial information.