ERUUF COVID-19 Updates
April 27, 2023
- Published: Apr 27, 2023 Apr 27, 2023
A new phase has been reached in the COVID-19 virus.
As a spiritual community, we at ERUUF strive to create a culture of respect and care for one another. Our Covid-19 policies have been guided by serious concern and consideration for the safety and well-being of all ERUUF members, staff, and visitors, with a commitment to equity and care for the most vulnerable among us and those who are marginalized both at ERUUF and in the larger community.
November 22, 2022
- Published: Nov 22, 2022 Nov 22, 2022
As a spiritual community, we at ERUUF strive to create a culture of respect and care for one another. Our Covid-19 policies have been guided by serious concern and consideration for the safety and well-being of all ERUUF members, staff, and visitors, with a commitment to equity and care for the most vulnerable among us and those who are marginalized both at ERUUF and in the larger community.
September 8, 2022
- Published: Sep 08, 2022 Sep 08, 2022
As a spiritual community, we at ERUUF strive to create a culture of respect and care for one another. With the end of mask mandates in most public places, COVID exposure continues. Thankfully, with vaccines and boosters, the health impact on most people can be minimized.
August 2022
- Published: Aug 04, 2022 Aug 04, 2022
As a spiritual community, members of ERUUF strive to create a culture of respect and care for one another. With the end of mask mandates in most public places, COVID variants are on the rise. Thankfully, with vaccines and boosters, the health impact on most people can be minimized.
May 19, 2022
- Published: May 19, 2022 May 19, 2022
Masks are required on campus for all indoor gatherings until further notice. Masks are encouraged but not required outdoors at this time.
February 24, 2022
- Published: Feb 24, 2022 Feb 24, 2022
The percentage of positive covid test results continues to decline rapidly in Durham County, and this week stands at 9% (down from 15% a week ago). We are following both numbers and new research information, and we will relax our reopening policies as soon as possible, after consulting with our public health safety team. That said, we are hopeful to be able to safely welcome people back to the Sanctuary in just a couple of weeks. Children's classes remain scheduled outdoors but do have the option to move indoors if the weather is harsh (or in the case of OWL the class needs to be indoors).
February 10, 2022
- Published: Feb 10, 2022 Feb 10, 2022
Although the spread of the omicron variant has begun to slow down, in the Triangle we remain at "extremely high" risk of spreading (and catching) the virus. Local hospitals are at capacity for other patients as well as covid patients. So at this time with a few exceptions, ERUUF programs are either outdoors (with masks and social distancing) or online only.
The exceptions right now are for middle school OWL classes which need to meet indoors. And other children's classes that may move indoors when the weather is extreme. Some rentals may resume if the office determines that they meet public safety guidelines. All this is in accord with CDC and NC DHHS recommendations (e.g. children attend school during the week, sports and other activities; public places are open for business). We continue to live stream worship on Sunday morning (available by recording afterward as well). We have patio heaters and other support for outdoor classes. As usual, the use of outdoor campus space must be arranged through the Office.
This plan for meeting mainly online or outdoors will continue as long as cases remain at the CDC level of "extremely high" in our area. We will continue to monitor public health conditions, and rely on the expertise of ERUUF's public health safety advisors. And we'll continue to follow the guidance provided by the CDC, NCDHHS, and UUA. And we will reopen the campus just as soon as it's safely possible.
January 20, 2022
- Published: Jan 20, 2022 Jan 20, 2022
The Omicron variant is currently infecting nearly 40% of the people in our area (that's just about 2 out of every 5 people), many of whom are fully vaccinated. To help slow the spread, at this time, ERUUF programs continue to be either outdoors (with masks and social distancing) or online only. And we live stream worship on Sunday morning (available by recording afterward as well). We have patio heaters and other support for outdoor classes. And as usual, the use of outdoor campus space must be arranged through the Office.
This plan for meeting only online or outdoors will continue through January 31 (or as long as cases remain high in our area). We will continue to monitor public health conditions, and rely on the expertise of ERUUF's public health safety advisors. And we'll continue to follow the guidance provided by the CDC, NCDHHS, and UUA.
January 6, 2022
- Published: Jan 06, 2022 Jan 06, 2022
The Omicron variant is currently infecting 1 in 3 people in the Triangle area, many of whom are fully vaccinated. At this time, ERUUF has moved to live stream worship only (carefully created by a small team in the Sanctuary). In accord with CDC guidance, adult and children's classes and groups may meet outside in person, with masks and social distancing. Alternatively, they might choose to meet solely online. Each group should check with its leaders and staff partners. As usual, the use of outdoor campus space must be arranged through the Office.
We will continue to monitor public health conditions, relying on the expertise of ERUUF's public health safety advisors. And we'll continue to follow the guidance provided by the CDC, NCDHHS, and UUA.
December 23, 2021
- Published: Dec 22, 2021 Dec 22, 2021
- On December 24, the 4:00 pm Christmas Eve service will be outside; all are welcome.
- The 7:00 pm service will be by reservation, and also will be live-streamed. We will sing outdoors with masks and social distancing. We strongly recommend that only vaccinated people make a reservation for this service.
- The December 26 service was previously recorded and will be by live stream only.
- Beginning January 2, Sunday services will continue at 10:45 am, online only, members not in attendance. The service will be produced by a very small worship team from ERUUF's Sanctuary. Masks, distancing, and handwashing continue in effect. Classes and groups will continue online or outside (at the choice of the group/leaders). We'll let everyone know immediately if safety requires moving to online only.