ERUUF Durham CAN is seeking members for its CORE team. If interested, please reach out to co-chairs, Jenny Loome and Lynne Howard, at . We look forward to hearing from you.

What is Durham CAN?

Durham CAN (Congregations, Associations, and Neighborhoods) is dedicated to broad-based organizing around issues of injustice impacting the citizens of Durham. As a coalition of congregations, associations, schools, nonprofits, and more, Durham CAN’s organizing is based on faith-informed and democratic values. We work on issues that come out of listening to people in small gatherings, and we build power to make practical changes. We are currently working on issues including affordable housing, criminal justice, jobs, and evictions.


What does the ERUUF CAN CORE Team do?

Every CAN member institution has a core team that participates in Durham CAN’s work. ERUUF’s core team has been on a bit of a hiatus during covid but is coming back! We will be meeting monthly to share opportunities to become involved in actions, study organizing strategies, and connect the congregation as a whole with CAN’s work. Some Core Team members also work with issue-specific action teams on a day-to-day basis.


How can I get involved?

The current ERUUF CAN CORE Team’s co-chairs are Jenny Loome and Lynne Howard-Vaughn. Please contact them at for information on our next ERUUF CAN CORE Team meeting.