- Category: COVID-19 Updates COVID-19 Updates
- Published: Jan 20, 2022 Jan 20, 2022
The Omicron variant is currently infecting nearly 40% of the people in our area (that's just about 2 out of every 5 people), many of whom are fully vaccinated. To help slow the spread, at this time, ERUUF programs continue to be either outdoors (with masks and social distancing) or online only. And we live stream worship on Sunday morning (available by recording afterward as well). We have patio heaters and other support for outdoor classes. And as usual, the use of outdoor campus space must be arranged through the Office.
This plan for meeting only online or outdoors will continue through January 31 (or as long as cases remain high in our area). We will continue to monitor public health conditions, and rely on the expertise of ERUUF's public health safety advisors. And we'll continue to follow the guidance provided by the CDC, NCDHHS, and UUA.