Category: News News
Published: Dec 16, 2021 Dec 16, 2021
R.E. has been busy getting in the holiday spirit and connecting with one another. On December 4th R.E. hosted Nifty Gifty for parents to drop off their children to craft gifts for loved ones. Volunteers Cathy Kielar, Susan Baylies, Betsy Bickel, Laura Busse, Lillian Zwemer, Dana Thomas, Arco Williams, Robyn Heeks, Joel Smith, Jess Poland, Waverely Harrell, Barbara Berry & Kristin Wright created wonderful crafts and were so generous with their time and creativity. Jim Van Verth, Celena Urquia, and Barbara Busse helped supply materials for crafting. It was a marvelous morning and so delightful to be in community with each other, see the excitement of the children around giving, and create together (even the adults participated in the crafting). Thank you to all that made this such a successful event! See photos from Nifty Gifty here.
Read more: Winter Updates from Religious Education