ERUUF in-person informational sessions:
Sunday, November 6 OR
Sunday, November 20
11:30-12:30pm - Chapel
Register for UUA Zoom Feedback Sessions:
Saturday, November 5 through Monday, November 14
ERUUF is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), the central organization for UU congregations in the United States. The UUA governing by-laws outline our Principles and Sources, the UUA’s Purposes, our Inclusion clause, and Freedom of Belief Statement with the section identified as Article II. The by-laws require that Article II be studied and potentially revised every 15 years. In 2020, the UUA established and charged a Study Commission for this purpose.
The Commission has been seeking input and engagement with member congregations and has now published a draft revision of Article II, which makes significant changes to the current principles, sources and purpose. The Commission invites feedback on this draft.
How to get involved
If you are interested in learning more, the Commission is hosting Zoom Feedback Sessions from Saturday, November 5 through Monday, November 14. You may register for a session and subscribe to messages from the Commission. The Commission also invites direct input and will be publishing an online feedback form to facilitate the feedback process.
In addition, ERUUF will be hosting in person discussion sessions on Sunday, November 6 and Sunday, November 20 after the service. You may register to attend one of these sessions.