On Sunday January 30, 2022, members of the Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (ERUUF) enthusiastically voted to call Reverend Jacqueline Brett as new Lead Minister. Reverend Brett currently serves as ERUUF’s Minister for Congregational Engagement and will begin their new role in Summer 2022 following the planned departure of current Lead Minister, Reverend Deborah Cayer. Individual Unitarian Universalist congregations select their own Lead Minister, unlike many religious denominations whose congregational leadership is assigned centrally.

Reverend Brett brings a wealth of talent, leadership and experience to the position of Lead Minister, with a robust background in worship, program development, pastoral care, administration, and racial equity and social justice. “ERUUF is eager to begin this new chapter with Reverend Brett and we are all excited about the vision they have for ERUUF and the wider community,” said Bonnie LaCroix, Chair of ERUUF’s Board of Trustees.

Rev. Jacqueline Brett has been with the Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship since 2012. She also worked on staff at the UU Fellowship of Raleigh and Community Church of Chapel Hill. Rev. Brett responded to a call to ministry in 2014 and entered Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago, IL, where they received both a Masters in Divinity and a Master of Arts in Leadership Studies. They completed Clinical Pastoral Education at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, MA. Rev. Brett was ordained by the congregation at ERUUF in 2017.

Committed to justice, Rev. Brett serves as a member of the Strategy Team of Durham CAN (Congregations Associations and Neighborhoods) and as a co-chair of its Clergy Caucus. She is also on the Board of Trustees of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, an organization dedicated to global human rights, and she serves the UU denomination as a member of its Ministerial Fellowship Committee. Visit Rev. Brett’s website to learn more about their ministry.

Rev. Brett hails from Brooklyn, NY and has two adult sons; she and family have lived in North Carolina since 2003. She finds balance through meditation practice, by walking at least 5 miles each day, and whenever possible, gathering with friends to share a good meal and experience live music, dance, and theater.

Photos by Amy Stern