VISION STATEMENT - The ERUUF Justice Ministry envisions a world healed and transformed in which social, economic, and environmental justice are universal.

Our vision of a Justice Ministry is at once a spiritual and a practical journey. It calls us to deepen our understanding of our personal core beliefs about our human relationships and our earth. The wellspring that feeds our practical journey is love and not anger; group dedication and action as well as isolated individual effort; and courage to be present and to speak truth to power and not fear reprisal or defeat. Through our actions in support of each other as a faith community and our service to others, our lives and those whom we touch are changed.  See Inspired Faith, Effective Action at ERUUF for more information about how the vision for our Justice Ministry came about.


The Justice Ministry focuses our energy as a community on key initiatives that make significant and meaningful contributions to reverse conditions of social, economic, and environmental injustice. This ministry impacts the broader ERUUF community through spiritual growth by practicing commitment, learning, service, and advocacy.