Justice Vision Quest Team
In May, 2014, a Vision Quest Task Force explored best practices for doing justice work as a larger congregation. After a number of months of study, consultation and discovery, the Task Force completed its work and generated a very informative and thought-provoking report. The Coordinating Team has written a response to the report and moved forward with implementation by forming and charging a Transition Team.
Transition to a Justice Ministry Complete
In 2014, a team of ERUUFians started out on a Vision Quest to look into the best practices for doing justice work in a congregation of our size. Their final report was completed in December 2014 and led to the appointment of a Transition Team to implement their recommendations.
Justice Ministry Associates are Fellowship members and families who have expressed an active interest in Justice Ministry activities. They may serve as consultants during planning periods and participate in justice program reviews. In addition, Associates may be invited to undertake limited assignments, give presentations, and offer testimony about justice activities. Justice Action Group leaders will alert this growing cadre of members to specific needs and opportunities. Many Associates participate in the activities of Justice Action Groups.