The Spiritual Odyssey Collection
August 18, 2024 Addison Evans
August 11, 2024 Ann Verdine Jones
Becoming. Becoming is an introspective journey that encompasses the process of self-discovery, personal growth, and the pursuit of authenticity. It is a narrative that weaves together past experiences, personal struggles, triumphs, and the continuous evolution of my identity.
August 4, 2024 Bev Wedda
My Journey from Ego toward Essence. I'll share highlights, lowlights. and themes regarding what's driven my actions and what mattered most to me over the years. I'll also share about my growing appreciation for my roots as I circle back around to those most supporting me now.
July 14, 2024 Mel Downey-Piper
Returning to My Roots. Mel was raised UU, but through her young adulthood is influenced by various relationships and experiences which lead her to explore different faiths and rituals. She also explores the intersections of spirituality and religion with queerness, community and social justice. All of this comes to life through engaging storytelling supported by pictures and early journal entries.
June 16, 2024 David Sokal
From Episcopalian to Fundamentalist to Agnostic. David grew up Episcopalian. He became a fundamentalist for a year or two, and later became an agnostic. He met Mary in 2009, and they discovered ERUUF.
June 9, 2024 Arco Williams
A Lifelong UU, Arco was born and raised a Unitarian Universalist. Hear her story of how UUism has shaped her identity and continues to impact her life.