Finance Summary (3rd Quarter Report, 2018-19)


Finance Summary for 3Q Fiscal Year 2018-19

The 3Q reports are similar to the past few years for both income and expenses. This year there is an increase in personnel expenses, relative to budget, based on mid-year staff adjustments enabled by the special contribution for personnel of $20,000. Rental income continues on a robust pace, just like last year. The overall budget YTD net is about where we would expect to be at this point in order to finish the year on budget.

Key numbers:
FY 2018-19 YTD Net operating total: $63,277 (compare FY 2017-18 at $51,469)
Campus Needs Fund: $19,956
General Reserve Fund: $68,066
Special Gift Contributions: $70,000 (placed in a reserve fund, not on the Revenue/Expense report).

Note: The financial reports this month are generated from our new accounting software that links with the new database. The format is VERY different.

Stewardship & Budget
The pledge drive is wrapping up, even though there are still about 50+ pledges pending. Calls and reminders are nearly complete.
As of April 10, 2019 -- 313 pledges, $772,638 for FY2019-20.
(Compared to last year, April 12, 2018 -- 311 pledges, $767,000).
At this point, there are careful projections to create a draft budget and estimate pledge income totals.
A draft budget will be available for review by the Board April 16.
After feedback from the Board and Coordinating Team, and additional pledge info, a revised DRAFT budget will be shared with the congregation at a finance forum on April 28 (10:15 am, Rm. 4/5).
Additional feedback and revisions will shape the final budget, which goes to the Board on May 21.
The final budget then goes to congregational vote at the annual meeting on June 2.

Facilities: major repairs/projects
New carpet Room 1, 3, 4/5 (Scheduled for May 2019)
New roof for Fellowship Hall (Completed March 2019)
New roof for Sanctuary (Scheduled May 2019)

 (document by Daniel Trollinger, Director of Administration)